New Projects and New Opportunities

It has been a busy time for writing and speaking projects.

I had a fun day recently being interviewed in my home for a forthcoming documentary about the Cosmosphere — which I consider to be the best space museum in the world. The film crew brought a dog along, and I would have been happy for him to stay. As you can see, he made himself right at home.

I'm going to be speaking at the Trek Long Island convention next month. Other commitments mean I'll only be participating via Zoom, but I look forward to talking about the fascinating intersections between science fiction and currently-understood science reality.

I also accepted an invitation to join the Advisory Council for the Elementary Institute of Science, specializing in creating networking opportunities to strengthen the organization's mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion.  EIS have been inspiring a love of science in kids in the southeast San Diego community for decades, and I am honored to assist.

I continue to consult for and support Higher Orbits — and recently they shared a book review of mine. I still consider this one of the more thoughtful and insightful spacefarer memoirs.

I'm working away busily on my next book... can't say much more right now other than I'm really excited about it. I hope you will be too when it comes out!